Sunday, August 28, 2016

Google apps not connecting via 4G

ok.... So For the last two weeks I have been battling with this issue, mind you it started out as having absolutely no connectivity to google, I've actually worked it up to the point where it works on wifi.

Anyway, about 3 weeks ago, I flashed a new 6.0 rom (started from stock unrooted, updated etc and rerooted) and all was beautiful! phone ran faster and smoother then ever and I couldnt have been happier, for about a week, and then out of the blue, for no reason I got the dreaded "no connection try again" from the play store, and holy mother of god I CANT FIX IT!)(#@$)@!)&*@!)*$# I have factory reset about 5 times, done a full blown format wiping every piece of data from the phone twice now and started over again from nothing with a stock unrooted rom, and I still can not get this phone working 100% at least at this point I have google connectivity over wifi -.-"

If it's not quite clear, I have full internet connectivity on the phone everywhere OTHER THEN google apps. :crying: I'm seriously about to walk into sprint and upgrade to a note 7, I'm starting to feel like the phone has failed somehow because I dont know what else I can do, I have wiped and reset EVERYTHING multiple times and some-mother-F*#$%&!-how this issue finds it's way back to me EVERY TIME! ....

Posting here is my last resort, I know tons of people have this issue, But I feel like theirs are always solved by clearing the app data, and mine is so far past that I dont know where to start.

from xda-developers

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