Thursday, April 28, 2016

Dock Mode no longer rotating the screen!

Put my watch on charge last night, as i do every night, and after a second or two the screen blinked and the "Dock Mode" clock/charge screen came on. except it was at 90°.

So I lifted if off, waited a few second and then placed it back on the charger.... same again! Okay, lets try a reboot, nope same. okay, it's been a while left factory reset.... whilst it was doing it setup and stuff I dropped it back on to the charger and the screen rotated. great!

I went of to do something, leaving the watch to finish its thing, when I came back to it 10 mins later or so, the Charge screen was back on, at 90° :(

Cant remember having any updates yesterday, don't know what could have changed... any suggestions welcome.

from xda-developers

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