Saturday, March 26, 2016

Bricked AFTV1 - Is repair possible with hardware mod?

I feel like a bonehead cuz I bricked my FireTV by getting ahead of myself. This FTV came shipped with and I have always had updates blocked in my router. I purchased a SD-card adapter and was able to gain root by injecting su into /system/xbin, Installed busybox, and all that fun stuff. Everything was going along just fine, until i tried to install RBox's boot menu/Recovery without fully understanding everything. Following a guide, I ran the full bootloader unlock script and it seemed to complete fine and FTV would still boot normally with root access. What I did next is the following, trying to install recovery I download the bootmenu.img file, uploaded it to my sd card and issued the following commands:
mount -o remount,rw /system
mkdir /system/boot
dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot of=/system/boot/boot.img
mount -o remount,ro /system
dd if=/sdcard/bootmenu.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot
adb reboot
My FTV restarted and has been stuck at the FireTV Logo every since. Not exactly sure where I went wrong. Did I have to downgrade before trying to install the boot menu? I did to the checksum test on the file before using it and it matched. Anyways, I tried factory reseting by holding the back/right remote control joy, tried the alt+prtsc+i keyboard procedure....nothing, tried a fastboot cable the drivers installed, firetv listed in devices using kindle usb driver, but although fastboot would connect and communicate to the FTV, it wouldn't respond to any fastboot commands.

I have the ability to gain direct access to the FTV's file system, but although my electronic skills are superb, my linux/android skills are quite lacking. When I disable the CPU and connect the flash to my Ubuntu 15 VMWare system via usb, I am able to mount up 6 linux partitions from the FTV. I explored around them, but don't want to go plowing through anything like a bull in a china shop until I have a direction to take from someone who actually knows what they are doing to get my beloved Firetv booting again. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance.

from xda-developers

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