Saturday, March 26, 2016

Problems Motorola Droid Mini xt1030

Hello I have a motorola droid mini xt1030 a small software problem is as follows .

The problem is that the mini droid example whenever you turn it off , restarts : I install apps correctly and then turn off the mini droid and when you start , starts restarte.

It is trying to flash with RSD Lite other firmware or Moto Fastboot but first I get the error for flashing firmware two files that are " motoboot " and " recovery"

But all other files firmware is flashed correctly and mini droid starts again restarted with the same software version 4.2.2 android . As if nothing rewrite

It is used firmware and pratically not work

notes I must clarify that the mini droid originally not have stock recovery, if I entered recovery says: "Boot up failed" . If the factory reset does not work. The bootloader is locked

I can not unlock motorola says: your device does not qualify for unlocking bootloader ( I did this in Windows XP, some problems ? )

You can install is for ultra droid in mini droid ?

Do not speak English , it is used google translator I think I'll die XDA help :( Thank you

Droid mini info.

-System version

-Android version

-Build number

from xda-developers

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