Monday, May 30, 2016

Erisin ES9746A RK3066 - No Wifi since road accident

Hi there,

Hope my post is in correct section and my english will be explicit.
So in first time, thanks to the community for all work done on this, i little mod my Unit with ur fantastic work.

In second time, i had an accident with my car on the road (a ****ing guy hit me on my rear left and do a 360° ...) and since that, i have no wifi with my unit, do cant update any app, can use my GPS (Waze), cant hear somes song and more...
When i try to put wifi ON, the slide go on "ON" during 5sec and after, go back in OFF. I check the M.A.C Adress and is blank, so, opening the unit for check the board and nothing seems to be brake.

I try to update my unit, android, MCU but nothing work, so i hope u can help me, cause Erisin dont reply to my problem.

Thanks :)

from xda-developers

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