Sunday, May 29, 2016

Top Mods for the OPO

Hey guys! I'm not new to the board, but this is my first official post. So I would like to give a quick Shout to XDA for creating this android portal to connect us all together. XDA has helped my friends an I for years now and I am very grateful, Thanks XDA and members!!

Now with the "welcome world" out of the way.......

I have had my OPO for a couple years now. I must admit I freaking love this phone. It's been fast and reliable since the first boot. It fits my life-style perfectly. I have been fortunate to have not been plagued with any of the common OPO issues. No yellow screen, battery issues, software glitches, etc.

With that being said, I have the bar set pretty high right now. However, It is not in my nature to leave cool tech equipment in it's original condition. I am ready to make a move on my OPO.

I rolled though the TOP ROMS thread and nothing really stuck out or grabbed my attention. I'm seeking a path to success here and was looking for some recommendations from experienced users that have had and experimented with multiple roms and use the OPO for more than pictures and facebook. I run 2 businesses and this phone is a staple in my life.

from xda-developers

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