Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Samsung S5 replica MTK 6572 cant Flash, hard reset, factory reset

Hello every body i had a problem with my phone.
basicly i dont know what happend, its my brother phone , and he asked me to repair it.
The first problem is my phone always show the pop up about "google.blablabla is unfotunetly stoped" and when i press ok thas coming again , and its anoying.
Then i did a hard reset from setting => nothing happend phone back like before i do that
I factory reset (restart HH and press volume down and reser emmc) => nothing happend phone back like before i do that
then i tried to uninstal one of the downloaded aplication => its cannot uninstall
i tried to make some reminder on calendar and save it then i restart the HH and i open the reminder again , its dissapear.
its looks like my phone is locked . i dont know what its called.
then i try to flash it with SP flash tool => the flas is doing ok but when i turn on my phone. nothing happend, its really annoying like my phone is try to bully me.
can anybody here help me?

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/29cbsE5

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