Wednesday, May 25, 2016

[BUG?] Vunerable for all Stagefright leaks?

Hi all,

As we all know there has been a major leak in Android a while ago and it has named to Stagefright. It was a major leak in which an attacker could sent a hacked video and perform malicious code.

This leak however seems to be patched a while ago, right? At the end of March I got my last OTA update for my PHN CSC (Unbranded Netherlands) and since that time it is pretty quiet from Samsung and OTA. The other CSC codes and the S7 are getting OTA after OTA which seems a bit unfair...

For reason unknown I decided to test if the Stagefright leaks were still patched and I got a bit scared from the results:

The Stagefright detection app from Zimperium shows in the latest version the following result:

Other detection applications showed Not Vunerable?

You would say a bug of the application? Well it did got an update and below are the new results:

My software details: remember I am running Stock and not rooted..

Are we still vunerable again? The S7 for example is not:

Are we indeed vunerable, is this a bug? Is only the PHN one bugged? Is the application bugged? Or is Samsung a bit stupid and ruined the code (which seems possible)

If you test this please provide software details and CSC ;)

from xda-developers

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