Monday, May 2, 2016

Galaxy S6 edge g925f touch key lights, auto brightness not working.

I have got into a very strange problem, touch key lights and auto brightness of my galaxy s6 edge are not working, I have re-flashed the stock marshmallow rom many times, even before flash, factory rest it.

All the sensors are working perfectly in the test service menu. but respective functions are not working.

Then I downgraded from android 6 to 5 lollipop, and i lost the test service menu after it, now *#0*# not working even.

Then again upgraded to android 6 and still the service menu not working, And today i found that the audio jack is also malfunctioning, If i put the handsfree phone gets shutdown immediately or it dosent works. The songs plays in the loud speaker.

Roms downloaded from .
Flashed using odin.

Sorry for the English.

from xda-developers

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