Saturday, May 28, 2016

Kevo stopped working, but there is a workaround


I don't know if the Kevo/Kwikset app folks are dumb, lazy or if there is some fee they have to pay to support new phones, but hear my tale of woe, with a happy ending (a minstrel on a mandolin is playing in the background as you read this).

I put Kevo locks everywhere when they first came out with android support. When they work, it is one less key I have to carry, one more thing my everpresent phone can do. They were announced as partners for the Gear S2 which, as we all know, is bull. The tech writers who said it worked were clearly Samsung lapdogs.

The Kevo website says that the app won't work on the Galaxy S7 edge but it did. Right from the start, right out of the gate. Then T-Mobile rolled out a patch last week and it stopped. Nothing. Bupkus. Google Play says the app is not supported by my device.

A little bit of searching led to the actual newest Kevo apk. I downloaded it, deleted the old app, installed it and voila! Back in business. The new version supports remote open and close, which I haven't checked yet- I bought an upgraded lock but it isn't installed.

So, there you have it. I have no idea why Kevo/Kwikset/Unikey didn't test with the newest phones, why they don't know it works or whatever. Their developers are much more interested in supporting iOS and the sheeple that use it, but it will work for us too!

from xda-developers

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