Thursday, May 26, 2016

[WORKAROUND][MOTO_CAM]Moto camera save2sd on custom roms

Hi. As you already know many of the custom roms break the functionality of moto camera to save directly to internal sdcard.But I have found a nice workaround for this. The latest version of Folder Mount works on MM(more details below)
So all we have to do is to link the /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera to /storage/{number&letters}/DCIM/Camera.

Link to post about latest version of Folder Mount is here-

It works for my rom+kernel+whatever but you should test it first.Download it and first create a test link between two test folders in both storages.Now with a file manager create a file in internal test folder.If the app works for you then you should see the file in external sdcard test folder too. Now you can link the DCIM/Camera and here you go!:fingers-crossed:

Tip:When linking,there is a option to hide the external folder from gallery.You can use it to prevent double entry in gallery.

I tested it on-

Resurrection Remix 5.6.9+Squid kernel 16g. My sdcard is sandisk uktra 64 gb formatted as portable .

I am *not* responsible for data loss,so make it *absolutely sure* that you do have a backup of at least a nandroid,internal and external sdcard.All credit goes to the dev of Folder Mount app.:good::D

Note: You should also read the Main thread of FolderMount for general instructions and tips.Its here-

If you get it working please report back with your rom+kernel+sdcard file system and other details so people can confirm easily.It is a do-it-as-your-risk and you should be careful.Thank you.:laugh:

from xda-developers

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